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Our One To One Dissertation Writing Consultancy And Tutoring Service Will Equip You To Learn How To Write Your Dissertation
Dissertation Writing Help
Do you require Dissertation Help London or struggling to dissertation task? If yes, you are at the perfect place. At, as the name recommend we have some expertise in writing services. We particularly see how troublesome it can get understudies to write a dissertation when he/she has never done it. We know how imperative part a dissertation writing to secure any college qualification. We just not have to pass it but rather additionally, a decent score in it can help enhance grades.
Don’t Stress, we are here to help with any dissertation help London be it of any branch of knowledge or subject. Our master teams of dissertation writers have proved themselves in this field and are sufficiently able to get you through the website. We are one of the main dissertation help specialist organizations in the UK.
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How to Write a Pass Proof Dissertation:
Dissertations require a specific chronological process. First, a student is required to write and submit a prospectus, the length of which may vary by school, but which typically ranges from between 5 to 15 pages. The prospectus describes the overall research interest, and will phrase several critical questions pertaining to the research along with ideas of how the student will seek to answer them. The prospectus is then submitted to the dissertation committee, which reviews and makes comments upon it, suggesting areas of improvement both in the formulation of the questions and the means by which they may be answered. It is during the finalization of the prospectus that perhaps the most critical elements of the work are formulated, and a Well thought-out prospectus can serve to make the remainder of the process much more efficient. After review, potential committee members will commit to the Project and approve the prospectus. Once the prospectus is approved, the student can begin to write the first three chapters of his or her dissertation, which form the formal dissertation proposal.
Chapter 1
Serves as an introduction to the study. It describes the nature and purpose of the study, presents the research question(s), defines key terms, identifies limitations and delimitations, and explains the significance and justification for the study. The overarching purpose of Chapter 1 is to provide the reader with a basic understanding of the research topic, the study’s implications and importance, and where it will eventually lead. It is also here that preliminary background and historical context is provided. In addition, the student examines and discusses the motivating factors that led him or her to arrive at the question of interest. Further, the overall theoretical approach that will be pursued is illustrated, along with the justifications for that choice.
This chapter should be as comprehensive as possible. Next to the abstract, it is this chapter more than any other that introduces your work to the reader. While technical in nature, it is important to remember that there is a substantial advantage to making the content in this section highly engaging: a well-written introduction will set a positive tone for the remainder of the dissertation.
Chapter 2
Contains the review of recent relevant literature related to the field of study. The main purpose of the literature review is to provide a solid foundation for the dissertation based on past literature in the field of study. This should provide further evidence of the significance and justification for the current study by showing how it will contribute to the field in a meaningful way. It should also explain the relevance of the methods used by relating the dissertation to other studies from the past. At the end of the second chapter, the reader should have a clear understanding of the relevant literature from government, academic, professional, or other spheres related to the dissertation, and should understand clearly how the study will fit into and contribute uniquely to the existing research in the field or fields.
The content and depth of a literature review does not vary substantially from school to school. A good template to consider as an example, albeit much shorter, is the background section in a peer reviewed paper. Although technically these appear in the Introduction section of such a paper, they often have less in common with the introductory segment of a dissertation than with the literature review. This is due mostly to the limited space available to an author in an academic journal. Rather than apportion space to a comprehensive background section, one is forced instead to provide a dense run-through of recent and relevant literature, with appropriate citations, and leave it to the reader to pursue those sources and obtain a broader historical and theoretical view, if so desired.
This is perfectly acceptable in such a context, mainly because it is assumed that the readers will almost certainly be experts in the field, and therefore already command a substantial knowledge regarding the essential underpinnings. Although the dissertation is certainly going to be read by experts in its given field, it is important to remember that it is also a document meant for the consumption by a wider range of audience. Your university or college will make it available to the public in its archives, with the expectation that an inquiring public will view it.
It is therefore best to think of this chapter, as well as the first, as the opportunity to write at length about those elements of your work that would not be possible elsewhere. Be sure to provide the most detailed information you can, and demonstrate above all else that you possess a thorough command of your chosen field.
Chapter 3
Explains the methodology used to carry out the study. It should provide the design, procedures, and analysis plan needed to conduct the research. At the end of Chapter 3, the reader should fully understand the purpose of the study and exactly how it was planned and eventually carried out. Additionally, through the literature review and the methodology sections, the reader should completely understand the relevance and the reasoning for the method of analysis. The most common subsections employed in Chapter 3 are an introduction, a description of the research design, the population and sampling procedures, data collection instrumentation and procedures, data analysis, and data interpretation.
More than any other, this chapter should bear the most in common with the content of an academic journal article. It is crucial to demonstrate a thorough understanding of all the theoretical, experimental, and analytical methods used in your dissertation. Researchers will often utilize certain analytical tools without fully understanding why; they will simply utilize certain statistical tests, for example, because they appear frequently in the literature, and give the impression of being the standard. While this may in fact be the case, it is important to lays out the explanations as to why this is the case. At all times in the dissertation, the author should appear in sufficient command of knowledge such that he or she would be able to respond competently to any question put to them about it. A rule of thumb that will be emphasized throughout this guide is that the author should have full and complete knowledge about any piece of information appearing within the dissertation.
Traditionally, once the first three chapters are completed, they must be submitted to the dissertation committee for approval. Naturally, the specifics of this requirement will vary by school, but in almost all cases, a preliminary approval of some early section of the dissertation is required. Another approval that usually must be obtained is through the Institutional Review Board (IRB), which ensures that no ethical improprieties will be involved in carrying out the research. Although sometimes routine, IRB approval may require substantial reworking of the research plan. Typical hurdles that might cause the IRB to require changes include disclosure of important information to research subjects, conflicts of interest, issues of monetary remuneration of research subjects, bio-ethics, and animal cruelty, among potential others. Once approval has been received and all potential issues resolved, the author then moves onto Chapters 4 and 5.
Chapter 4
Contains the results of the data collection and analysis described in the methodology section. The presentation of the data and the data analysis must be entirely factual and be presented in APA format and style. The results should be presented in the same order that the research questions were asked in Chapter 1. This creates a consistent and cohesive feel for your study and helps avoid confusion among your readers. Each research question should have its own subsection in this chapter.
In each of these sections, the research question should be restated. Any charts, equations, or graphs associated with that question should be shown here. The importance of well-placed, well-designed graphs and charts cannot be overemphasized. A logically, efficiently constructed graph or chart has the ability to convey enormous amounts of information in a highly compact, effective way. In keeping with the requirements of the APA format, any graphic should have associated with it an explanatory caption that delivers the full message of what is being conveyed in that graphic. A worthwhile rule of thumb for an author is to construct any chart or graph such that the entire experiment, from start to finish, including the method and rationality behind the data collection, can be inferred from reading the entire graphic, associated text included. The act of condensing a large amount of information into a small space can be challenging. Once again, a good example of an efficient graphic can be obtained by looking at a published article in a journal with rigidly enforced length requirements. The figures below provide concrete examples of efficient graphics, and are modeled after those that appear in the international journal Science, which publishes work of great sophistication and depth while requiring authors to adhere to very strict space limits. More than just efficiently conveying information, constructing graphics is another excellent opportunity for the author to demonstrate his or her knowledge of the subject matter. Without a coherent understanding of the material, putting together an excellent graphic is extremely difficult. Indeed, even for experienced authors with many years of experience in a field it can still be a complicated task. The integration of large amounts of information into a small space is never simple; and yet it is one of the most important elements of any successful research write-up. It is in this area especially that help from expert consultants with familiarity in analysis can be indispensible. Their comfort in working with publishable-quality graphics can dramatically improve the overall structure of a dissertation.
Chapter 5
Is intended to explain the findings of the study and their significance and conclude the dissertation by suggesting future research. The chapter should begin by summarizing the information from Chapters-4 to clarify the purpose of the study again. Then it must discuss what can be concluded from the study’s findings and how these conclusions align with the research question(s) and hypotheses. Finally, the chapter should discuss the implications of the findings and the limitations of the study, followed by recommendations for future research.